Friday 13 March 2015

@Phil Fantastic Voyage: 'character' Thumbnails

I kept it simple and stuck to flat colour and hopefully they seem more like they come from the same universe? I'm still a little unsure which to go with. I quite like the shapes of 16 and 17 in the body cells but I also like 19 and 24. As for the influenza I gave them some more triangle shapes. I quite like 18 and 20, I think possibly 22 too.



  1. I am personally feeling body cell 18-19-24 and virus 17 - not too complex but still looks its part :)

    1. I did like virus 17 but I was worried it looked too cute and too octopuslike? As for the bodycell, I think most of them are quite charming but it's difficult to pick one! c':

  2. They have a very "stress ball" quality to them. I like numbers 20 (on the first page) and 21 on the other. But maybe they should be designed to be the opposite of eachother. I.E the body cell nice and round, but the Influenza Virus cell a much more angular version of that same design. Red vs blue typa' thing.

  3. lots of feedback - nice - for me, I like 24 and 17 - for me, they're clearly 'opposed' as happy/grumpy :)
